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The Enchanted Moon – Book design

The Enchanted Moon – Book design

The Enchanted Moon - book design Book design, cover and typesetting Non-fiction book on moon Design and production of hardback book.. From concept to finished product. Design and typesetting.  Production:256pp, 2c PMS blue and Silver. Non-standard hardback, case bound...
Note To Self – Journal design

Note To Self – Journal design

Note to Self, diary book design Diary Book Design, Layout A 28 day personal self-healing guide, simple but thoughtful design. Stationary type design is something I really enjoy doing and this title I was very excited about. I had lots of different ideas for the cover...
The Fooo Book

The Fooo Book

The Fooo Book Book Design, Concept & Layout I created this book design working at a Swedish publishing company.  The book is about the Swedish boy band The Fooo. It was a new production at the company. So the typography, concept, and layout were all developed from...